A territorial dispute during the mating season escalates into a contact fight. ©Marlin Dart 2017
Aboveground nursing is an uncommon sight in the Gunnison's species. ©MRR 2017
A Gunnison's prairie dog autogrooms (self-grooms). ©MRR 2017
Dry grass provides bedding material in the burrow. ©MRR 2016
WA0x stays close to her busy mother WA0. ©MRR 2016
A compilation of vocal differences for the same call. ©MRR 2016
Alarm calls - variations on a theme. ©MRR 2016
A male pursues a female, sniffing between her legs to check for estrus. ©MRR 2016
A male kills three pre-emergent juveniles; clan members cannibalize the carcasses. Gunnison's prairie dogs. ©MRR 2016
A group of Gunnison's PDs, many of which wandered from different territories and would not usually interact, gather to take advantage of a mineral bed near a water source. ©MRR 2017
Mating calls are occasionally given by males before and/or after copulation. ©MRR 2017
An antipredator/alarm call. ©MRR 2017
A yearling jumps away from an adult male. ©MRR 2017
Keeping the mound free of obstructions and collapsing dirt. ©MRR 2016
Nesting material provides bedding and insulation underground. ©MRR 2017
A female licks her paws clean after working on her burrow mound. ©MRR 2016
A male chases a female into her burrow on her day of estrus. ©MRR 2017
A raptor swoops down off camera, eliciting quick barks. ©MRR 2016
Territorial disputes are common, especially during the mating season. ©MRR 2017
A female greets a group of juveniles, checking for her own offspring in the mix. ©MRR 2017
Play is critical for early development both physically and socially. ©MRR 2017
A prairie dog gets a blade of grass stuck on his head. ©MRR 2017
45 inspects the GoPro as he relaxes in the morning. ©MRR 2017
A baby prairie dog practices standing on alert. ©MRR 2017
Adult male 31 inspects the GoPro while female baby 2x explores her surroundings. ©MRR 2017
Two males dispute over a female, chasing each other around a burrow where an estrous female waits. ©MRR 2017
Male 45 asserts his dominance over male 18. ©MRR 2017
A compilation of our best GoPro footage of juvenile prairie dogs. ©MRR 2017
A former squaddie filmed and produced this excellent short documentary of John’s white-tailed prairie dog research in the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado. ©Erica van Manen 2011
A video by Squaddie Marlin Dart showing the trapping and handling process on the prairie dog project. ©Marlin Dart 2017
Every spring we perform ultrasounds on pregnant females to try to get an accurate count of fetuses in her womb. We compare fetus counts to final counts when litters emerge in the summer. ©Marlin Dart 2017
A compilation of video clips recorded directly on our ultrasound machine. ©MRR 2017
We use stuffed predators to study alarm call behaviors in prairie dogs, pulling the predators through key areas in the colony after juveniles have emerged for the first time each summer. ©John Hoogland + MRR 2016
This video was a 2002 television feature for National Geographic. ©National Geographic 2002
This video was a 1998 television feature for Wildlife Adventures, the National Wildlife Federation, and Turner Original Productions. ©Turner Original productions 1998
This video was a 1997 feature for Maryland Public Television. ©Maryland Public Television 1997
This video was a 1996 television feature for the Australian Wildlife television series. ©Australian Wildlife 1996