A closeup of a juvenile's nails during handling.  ©MRR 2017
 Snow in a trap can inhibit visibility and expose a captured prairie dog to cold and wet. We shake the snow from the traps before opening them in the morning.  ©MRR 2017
 John pauses to pose for the camera as he shakes snow from traps.  ©MRR 2017
 We use traffic cones to mark important burrows as well as plugging backdoors when attempting to capture a specific prairie dog.  ©MRR 2017
 A surrounding has been set to capture a prairie dog. When they are proving difficult to catch, we set surroundings just outside the burrow entrance, usually not baited unless we want to provide extra incentive.  ©MRR 2017
 Some trap surroundings require up to 36 traps to prevent escape, while smaller ones only require 6.  ©MRR 2017
 The squad works together to relocate an observation blind.  ©MRR 2017
 Blinds for the 2017 season can be lifted on and off stilts depending on need for visibility or high winds.  ©MRR 2017
 The crew pauses to pose for the camera.  ©MRR 2017
 Squaddie Katie marks the burrow location on flagging tape, which will go on the trap before a newly captured prairie dog is removed and taken to the marking van. Flagging each trap ensures the prairie dog is returned to the correct location.  ©MRR 2
 Armed with flagging tape, a permanent marker, and a bait bucket, John walks to a surrounding to check the traps.  ©MRR 2017
 Squaddie Patrick shows Denver Zoo volunteer Tim how to open traps at a surrounding.  ©MRR 2017
 Squaddie Rashidah marks the burrow number on flagging tape before tying the tape to the trap of a captured prairie dog.  ©MRR 2016
 After labeling the trap with flagging tape, squaddie Rashidah takes a close look at a newly captured prairie dog.  ©MRR 2016
 Arriving on site in the morning, the crew collects their datasheet clipboards and bait buckets before retreating to their blinds/towers for the day.  ©MRR 2017
 Reading the ultrasound machine.  ©MRR 2017
 John inspecting traps.  ©MRR 2017
 In the summer, we pull stuffed predators (badgers, coyotes, and bobcats) through the colony to take data on alarm calls. The decoys are pulled using a string at a carefully measured pace.  ©MRR 2016
 We have dozens upon dozens of traffic cones.  ©MRR 2017
 Handling is a team effort.  ©MRR 2017
 Delicately holding a juvenile.  ©MRR 2017
 Marking a juvenile.  ©MRR 2017
 We use sandwich bags to weigh juveniles.  ©MRR 2017
 Squaddie Jimmy engages with a passing family. Speaking with hikers and park visitors gives us the opportunity to explain not only our research but the importance of prairie dogs on the landscape.  ©MRR 2017
 Nursery burrows by mother. Sometimes we have to write notes on our hands for when we're out of our towers.  ©MRR 2017
 On busier marking days, captured prairie dogs are placed beneath the marking van to keep them in the cooler shade.  ©MRR 2016
 A view of the marking van, captured prairie dogs in wait.  ©MRR 2016
 Baby prairie dogs wait for handling and marking. ©MRR 2016
 A prairie dog remains alert as she waits for handling.  ©MRR 2016   
 John checks for eartags before handling.  ©MRR 2016   
 A handling bag keeps the prairie dog and handler calm and safe, with a zipper allowing for varying degrees of access to the animal.  ©MRR 2016   
 The front of the bag can also be opened to allow for head and neck marking.  ©MRR 2016   
 Squaddie Amber holds the trap as John puts finishing touches to a rear-legs marking.  ©MRR 2016   
 Freshly marked prairie dogs are released when the ink dries sufficiently not to smudge.  ©MRR 2016   
 Some adult females receive unique markings other than a number, such as Wetsuit (WS).  ©MRR 2016
 Taking a tissue sample.  ©MRR 2017
 Weighing a juvenile.  ©MRR 2017
 A closeup.  ©MRR 2017
 An unmarked juvenile.  ©MRR 2017
 Returning a marked juvenile.  ©MRR 2017
 Eye contact in the trap.  ©MRR 2016
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